Level Up Your Virtual Presence
Background: Articulate Rise 360 Microlearning Course
Have you ever been in a virtual meeting where the speaker (or one or more participants) have something distracting in their background? Maybe a paper fluttering on a corkboard? Maybe their background was too dark or the lighting too bright? Their audio kept cutting in and out?
There are simple tips you can utilize to set up your virtual workspace to allow for clear communication with your team and clients, while keeping the focus on you and not distractions around you.
This microlearning course will give you three tips you can implement today to level up your virtual presence.
Note: I do not have a current personal license for Articulate so the link for this asset has been replaced with a video of the course I developed.
Date: 2023
Purpose: Portfolio piece utilizing Articulate 360's new Microlearning courses to share tips for focusing on your virtual presence
Solution: Microlearning course for sharing quick, actionable tips
Articulate Rise Microlearning Course
Google Docs
Instructional Design
Course Storyboarding
eLearning Development
Graphic Design
The Design Process
Problem: What are the three most impactful tips I can share to help people level up their virtual presence without being overwhelming or costly? What is the best way to share these tips so they are clear and easy to understand, as well as actionable?
Initial Design
Over the last three years of my virtual working experience I've attended and led virtual trainings with small clients, billion dollar clients, attended internal team meetings, client meetings, and more. As a contract worker, I've worked with hundreds of different people in various fields. But one thing I've noticed from informal data I've collected is that most people don't put much thought into what their video background looks like.
While this consideration may not seem like a big deal, it can be distracting to your team members and clients, and could also create a bad first impression. However, there are simple solutions to create a good video background.
When thinking about how I wanted to deliver this content, I thought about how there are hundreds of videos on YouTube covering this topic, but even with that knowledge out there, most people don't put it to use. This can be for a multitude of reasons, but one of the biggest issues is time. Trying to find the right video on YouTube but not get stuck down the information rabbit hole is tricky and can be a big time suck.
I thought about how a quick Microlearning course focusing on three actionable tips would be a good solution to these issues. I've utilized different microlearning platforms in the past (7taps and Learn2Win), and while these platforms work well for certain applications, I really like the functionality and customization you can create with Articulate's microlearning courses.
The first step was to plan out the content as well as the Rise visuals and interactions. I created a storyboarding template on Google Docs to plan page text, graphics, images, formatting and interactions on Rise. Select the storyboarding image to view my Microlearning storyboard.
Sometimes, storyboarding can seem unnecessary. Why not just jump right into building the course on Rise?
The reason we storyboard is because it can give you a better picture of the overall project, and give you time to make easy adjustments in the storyboard before building everything out, then making changes. Storyboarding is also key if you are working with clients, internal team members, or other stakeholders who have the final say about a course. Receiving and implementing feedback during the storyboarding phase can save all parties a lot of time during development.
I developed this microlearning course utilizing Articulate Rise 360's new Microlearning Course tool. It works similarly to the traditional Rise 360 courses, but has some slight functionality differences.
Utilizing the storyboard I created during the planning phase of this project, I was able to quickly build this course, test it for functionality, make edits and finalize. I also had my husband try out the course and give me feedback so that I could see any issues from a user's perspective who is unfamiliar with the platform.
I created this project to show one way how microlearning courses could be used to deliver actionable content for learners in a quick, easy-to-use way.
The Finished Project
View a sample of screenshots from the microlearning course below.